Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Prepping for Summer

The next couple of weeks are going to be very busy. I spent the weekened cleaning out my freezers and making jams and jellies with the remainders of last year's strawberries, and most of the blueberries and raspberries. I think I have 2 large bags each left of those. I also ran out of pectin and have to buy more before I can finish those off.

I also weeded my flower beds, and thinned out my nursery beds. I do believe I literally have hundreds of little oriental lily, and muscali bulbs. Once the tulips are completely done, I will go through those as well.

When the lilies are finished blooming this year, I must remember to colour tag the stalks for when I clean out those as well. A couple of years ago I had planted a few white-based oriental lilies with my vibrant bright red ones, and ended up having some really lovely colours. Burgandy, pumpkin orange, yellow and one that was so dark it looked black. I wonder what I will have this year?

My Iris's are also going to have a banner year. They are huge! I even ended up with a totally white one, which I did not plant. Hopefully that will stay white and multiply!

Three of my little spring phlox plants had spread out so much I had to divide those and move them over by the driveway. There is an area of the front flower bed that struggles to grow anything but weeds, so I figured why not put them there? They should do nicely I think.

A neighbour of mine was also clearing out some of her flowers, and offered to give me a bunch of lily of the valley plants. I traded her for some of my lilies. There were some volunteer wood violets in the bunches she gave me, so hopefully those will spread too. They are a nice purple colour.

I even found some very strange flowers in one of my nursery beds. I have no idea what they are, or how they got there. They are a nice white flower, and look like a star. Similar to a columbine, or star flower, kind of a hybrid of the two. I did not take any pictures this weekend, as I am waiting until I am done before I do.

I have to work pretty much every day for the next two weeks, so that drastically reduces the time I can spend in my yard or on crafts. The garden got tilled, and next weekend I have to go get my tomato, zuchinni, and pepper plants. I might even try some onions again this year. They are very potent when I do grow them, and as we prefer the large sweet onions I tend to "forget" to buy them.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're doing about the same thing that I am. Spring in Mississippi is a bit temperamental but it was nice and cool last Sunday afternoon so I got the rest of my flowers planted. I should have been inside working on orders for a couple of custom orders but it was just too pretty!
