Friday, July 31, 2009

Our newest family member (hopefully)

Slinky, the kitty

For the last couple weeks, we have had a little pure black stray male kitten hanging around our house. He had slowly became used to us (husband and I) and my husband told me that if he came close enough we would take him to our vet and have him neutered, get his immunizations etc. since our other two cats have not been getting into fights with him.

Well, last Tuesday night, he came right up to us, and we grabbed him and put him into one of our cat carriers. I took him into the vet on Wednesday morning and the vet said "no problem!"

That night I kept him confined to our bedroom, to try to give him a chance to rest up a bit after his operation. Unfortunately, he did not take that chance, instead spent the whole night jumping from floor, to bed, to window, to bed, to floor, and so on every 10 minutes or so. Not a very peaceful night I must say!

Now last night, (Thursday) there was some tension as our other two cats met him face to face in the house. There was a little bit of growling, and hissing; plus a couple of trounces performed by Leo, the king cat. Nothing too major though. All evening long he kept trying to either bash the screen door open with his head, or claw them open with his little paws. I also found out he can jump at least 6 feet in the air! Just before I went to sleep I checked on the cats since all three were inside, and all three of them were on seperate window sills in our bedroom, all keeping a watch on the world outside.

This morning when I got back from the dentist office, Leo was sleeping about a foot away from Slinky, the new kitten.

Slinky is about 5 months old, pure black, and weighs 8 pounds. He is sooo adorable!

We have hopes that once we let him back outside that he will choose to come back to us.

You wanted my attention Mom? What would you like?

Yawn! Nap time! (again)

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